Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

It's A "Prom"

Last Friday night
Yeah, we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night

We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop

This Friday night

Do it all again
This Friday night
Do it all again

           Ya , beberapa hari yang lalu , angkatan gue baru aja melaksanakan farewell party. Tepatnya hari Jumat . So , Thanks God Its Friday !  Farewell party tahun ini itu temanya "Back To The Past" . Emang sih , kelihatannya bagus , tapi angkatan gue pada ribut bingung nyari baju. Soalnya kan , kita bukan makhluk dari zaman dahulu. Hahaha. Tapi , akhirnya yang datang pada pake baju biasa juga. Huehue. 


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